Woman's Notes Application

While the MMPO was renovating MIS for an iPad, we have also been intimately involved in the design and development of an application that can be used by the woman giving her secure and private online access (through any digital device) to relevant parts of her pregnancy record. There is also the ability to help manage appointments and access key resources (including online leaflets).

This project involved considerable time and effort by the MMPO and both Aotearoa women and community midwives to gain clear and valuable input and insights. This was softly launched late last year, and is now being used by over 600 women throughout Aotearoa.

There are further planned releases for June and October that will bring even more access and benefits to both the woman and you the community midwife .

We plan to roll out access to the Woman’s Notes App to our MIS users over the coming weeks, while the iPad is introduced to your care location (and this will be free of any cost).